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13100 N. Western Ave., STE 300
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
405- 697-3436
717 W 71st Street
South Tulsa, OK 74132
405- 697-3436
Copyright 2022 – Orthobiogen
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At Orthobiogen, Oklahoma’s only Regenerative Medicine center, we offer advanced surgery-free treatment options for those suffering from spine and joint pain.
We may use your own platelets/PRP and/or bone marrow concentrate (containing your own live stem cells) via regenerative medicine techniques to promote healing and relieve pain. Our goal is to help our patients return to their active lifestyles as quickly and safely as possible.
We offer comprehensive consultations to see if you’re a candidate, so you can get started on your journey to pain-free living today.
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Shoulder Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Spine Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Knee Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Hip Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Hand & Wrist Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Foot & Ankle Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Elbow Treatments >
Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.
View Details About Spine Treatments >